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Update - Lightning vulnerable lines in TAS region
Update - Lightning vulnerable lines in TAS region
Refer to AEMO Electricity Market Notice 118320 ,118321, 118322
At 1340 hrs 19/09/2024 the Gordon - Chapel St No 1 220 kV line and the Gordon - Chapel St No 2 220 kV line tripped.
The cause of the trip was identified as due to Lightning.
In accordance with SO_OP_3715, AEMO now considers the Gordon - Chapel St No 1 220 kV line and the Gordon - Chapel St No 2 220 kV line to be vulnerable with a category of Vulnerability due to Lightning.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update to system normal constraint equation in NSW for transient voltage stability in south-west NSW
Refer to market notice 92840.
Transgrid has advised AEMO of an update to the transient voltage stability limit in south-west NSW for loss of Darlington Point to Wagga (63) 330 kV line. The limit will include terms for the Darlington Point and Riverina BESS.
The following constraint equation will be updated with the above changes at 1100 hrs Friday 20th September 2024.
For full details on the formulation, the new constraint equation has now been loaded into AEMO's pre-production systems.
For further details on these constraint equation please contact
Ben Blake
AEMO Operations
Planned outage of Tailem Bend - South East 275 kV transmission line in the South Australia region beginning on 20/09/2024
The Tailem Bend - South East No 1 275 kV line in the South Australian (SA) region is planned to be out of service from 2100 hrs on 20/09/2024 to 0530 hrs on 21/09/2024.
A credible contingency event during this planned outage could cause synchronous separation of the SA region from the rest of the NEM.
During this planned outage:
- Power transfer will be restricted across the VIC - SA interconnector (Heywood interconnector); and
- Post contingent FCAS will be sourced within SA following Separation event.
Refer AEMO Network Outage Schedule (NOS) for further details.
AEMO Operations
Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the NSW region - 16/09/2024
Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the NSW region - 16/09/2024
The Actual LOR1 Condition in the NSW Region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No.118298 is cancelled at 1915 hrs 16/09/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW region - 16/09/2024
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW region - 16/09/2024
An Actual LOR1 condition has been declared under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the NSW region from 1800 hrs.
The Actual LOR1 condition is forecast to exist until 1900 hrs
The capacity reserve requirement is 1400 MW
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1274 MW
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 10/09/2024
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 10/09/2024
At 1750 hrs, the following equipment at Buronga 330 kV substation has been commissioned:
1) Buronga 330 kV A bus.
2) Buronga 330 kV B bus.
3) Buronga No 1 330 kV capacitor.
4) Buronga No 2 330 kV capacitor.
5) Buronga No 7 330/220 kV transformer.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Prices for intervals on 05/09/2024 from 13:55 to 15:10 are now confirmed
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 118149 and 118150.
PRICES ARE NOW REVISED to Market Suspension Pricing Schedule for trading intervals on 05/09/2024 from 1355 hrs to 1510 hrs.
Manager Electricity Market Monitoring
Fast Frequency Response Market - Removal of L1 FCAS dispatch cap from 9th September 2024
Following review of the operation of the Very Fast FCAS market, from 1300 hrs AEST on Monday 9th September AEMO will remove the 225 MW cap on dispatch of Very Fast Lower (L1) Contingency FCAS.
The 225 MW cap on dispatch of L1 FCAS sits well above typical disaptch volumes, and no immediate impact is expected from this change.
No other changes to the dispatch of Very Fast FCAS or FCAS constraint equation changes will be made on this date.
For information on the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) initiative please visit the website at:
Andrew Groom
AEMO Operations
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 01/09/2024
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 01/09/2024
At 2125 hrs. Buronga -Redcliffs X9 220 kV line has been commissioned.
At 2125 hrs. Buronga -Redcliffs OX1 220 kV line has been de-commissioned.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations