Energy market fees and charges

AEMO is a not-for-profit organisation, operating on a cost-recovery basis. We are committed to transparent and accountable financial and risk management.

Each year in development of our annual budget, we establish a rigorous planning methodology to assess and prioritise identified key strategic initiatives that are aligned to our corporate priorities (as published in our Strategic Corporate Plan) to produce an integrated operating budget and investment plan that is consistent with our financial principles. Our annual budget reflects costs of providing services to Australia’s energy markets, which are recovered through fees and charges apply to market participants in accordance with established fee structures.

We are committed to delivering value by:

  • doing the right work
  • being economical and efficient in the way we do our work
  • applying high standards of organisational governance and administration
  • being accountable and transparent.

AEMO’s Budget and fees: 2024-25

AEMO’s annual budget and fees document publishes the revenue requirements and associated fees and charges to be paid by market participants. We consult on the draft budget and fees prior to finalising it and publishing it by 30 June each year.

National Transmission Planner charges, Transmission Use of Services charges (Victoria only) and the Transmission Network Services Provider (TNSP) fees are published earlier, in line with AEMO’s requirements.

Prior years’ budgets and fees

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