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[EventId:202411011055_confirmed] Prices for interval 01-Nov-2024 10:55 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1100 hrs on 1 November 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 01-Nov-2024 10:55.
In accordance with Market Notice 119728 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202411011050_confirmed] Prices for interval 01-Nov-2024 10:50 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1100 hrs on 1 November 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 01-Nov-2024 10:50.
In accordance with Market Notice 119727 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202411011045_confirmed] Prices for interval 01-Nov-2024 10:45 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1100 hrs on 1 November 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 01-Nov-2024 10:45.
In accordance with Market Notice 119726 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202411011040_confirmed] Prices for interval 01-Nov-2024 10:40 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1100 hrs on 1 November 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 01-Nov-2024 10:40.
In accordance with Market Notice 119725 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the QLD region - 31/10/2024
Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the QLD region - 31/10/2024
The Actual LOR1 Condition in the QLD Region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No.119713 is cancelled at 1839 hrs 31/10/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD region - 31/10/2024
Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD region - 31/10/2024
An Actual LOR1 condition has been declared under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the QLD region from 1800 hrs.
The Actual LOR1 condition is forecast to exist until 1900 hrs
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1298 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1178 MW.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Wagga B 330 kV Bus - NSW region - 31/10/2024
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Wagga B 330 kV bus- NSW region - 31/10/2024
At 0028 hrs 31/10/2024 there was an unplanned outage of Wagga B 330 kV bus.
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 0045 hrs 31/10/2024
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.
Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Moorabool - Sydenham No.1 500 kV line - VIC region - 30/10/2024
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Moorabool - Sydenham No.1 500 kV line - VIC region - 30/10/2024
A planned outage of Moorabool - Sydenham No.1 500 kV line in the VIC region was scheduled from 0500 hrs 22/10/2024 to 1930 hrs 01/11/2024.
The outage has been completed and Moorabool - Sydenham No.1 500 kV line returned to service at 1815 hrs 30/10/2024
Constraint set revoked: V-MLSY_NOEMTT_R
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
[EventId:202410301335_confirmed] Prices for interval 30-Oct-2024 13:35 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1355 hrs on 30 October 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 30-Oct-2024 13:35.
In accordance with Market Notice 119671 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.