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Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Mitchell Singleton 95X 132kV LINE- NSW region - 20/07/2024
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Mitchell Singleton 95X 132kV LINE- NSW region - 20/07/2024
At 1117 hrs 20/07/2024 there was an unplanned outage of Mitchell Singleton 95X 132kV LINE.
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 1250 hrs 20/07/2024
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.
Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region
Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117376
AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 0030 hrs 21/07/2024.
The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage.
AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1400 hrs 20/07/2024, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 19/07/2024
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 19/07/2024
Refer to Market Notice 117367
The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1500 hrs on 20/07/2024.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB4 TORRENS ISLAN
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB4 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer to Market Notice 117385
Direction is cancelled from: 1500 hrs 20/07/2024
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Cancellation: Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN
Refer to Market Notice 117369
Direction is cancelled from: 1500 hrs 20/07/2024
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 2200 hrs 20/07/2024.
The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation Inter-Regional Transfer limit variation - Directlink control unavailable (NSW Region).
Cancellation Inter-Regional Transfer limit variation - Directlink control unavailable (NSW Region).
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117372
AEMO has been notified that the controls to vary Directlink output are now available.
Constraint set I-CTRL_ISSUE_TE revoked at 1835 hrs.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Heywood interconnector - SA and Vic regions - 19/07/2024
Inter-regional transfer limit variation - Heywood interconnector - SA and Vic regions- 19/07/2024
Refer to reclassification Market notice 117373
The following constraint set(s) invoked at 1740 hrs 19/07/2024
I-SV_250 , I-VS_250
This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Inter-Regional Transfer limit variation - Directlink control unavailable (NSW Region)
Inter-Regional Transfer limit variation - Directlink control unavailable (NSW Region)
AEMO has been notified that the controls to vary Directlink output are unavailable until further notice.
Constraint set I-CTRL_ISSUE_TE invoked from 1640 hrs.
The constraint set contains equations with the following interconnector on the LHS:
Manager NEM Real Time Operations