Market Notices

121048MARKET INTERVENTION27/11/2024 10:34:55 AM

Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN


Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN

Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 121032

The TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 1830 hrs 27/11/2024.

The direction update is issued at 1035 hrs 27/11/2024.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121038MARKET INTERVENTION27/11/2024 09:58:34 AM


Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) Intention to negotiate for additional reserve - NSW1 Region- 27/11/2024

Refer to AEMO Electricity Market Notice no. 121022.
AEMO intends to commence negotiations with RERT Panel members for the provision of additional reserve by issuing requests for tender for the following period of time;
14:30 to 20:30 hrs 27/11/2024
If reserve is required, the period of activation or dispatch will be within this period but may not be for the entire period.
AEMO will issue a further advice if reserve is contracted.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121032MARKET INTERVENTION27/11/2024 09:48:46 AM

Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN


Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN

Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 121004

The TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 1730 hrs 27/11/2024.

The direction update is issued at 0945 hrs 27/11/2024.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121031MARKET INTERVENTION27/11/2024 09:47:43 AM

Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN


Update Direction - AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN

Refer AEMO Electricity Participant Notice 121003

The TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN direction is now expected to stay in place until 1700 hrs 27/11/2024.

The direction update is issued at 0945 hrs 27/11/2024.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121004MARKET INTERVENTION26/11/2024 04:01:54 PM

Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN


Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN

Refer to Market Notice 121002

In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO is issuing a direction to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).

Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB3 TORRENS ISLAN at 1600 hrs 26/11/2024
Type of resource: generating unit
Required actions: Remain synchronised and follow dispatch targets at 2330 hrs 26/11/2024
Services provided: Voltage Control
Circumstances necessitating the Direction:Voltage
Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: intervention is required to maintain the power system in a secure operating state
Expected duration: 0400 hrs 28/11/2024 / further notice.

AGL SA Generation Pty Limited does not incur any civil monetary liability for a relevant action taken in accordance with this direction unless the action is taken in bad faith.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121003MARKET INTERVENTION26/11/2024 03:59:45 PM

Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN


Direction - SA region to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN

Refer to Market Notice 121002

In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO is issuing a direction to AGL SA Generation Pty Limited. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).

Direction issued to: AGL SA Generation Pty Limited - TORRB2 TORRENS ISLAN at 1600 hrs 26/11/2024
Type of resource: generating unit
Required actions: Remain synchronised and follow dispatch targets at 0000 hrs 27/11/2024
Services provided: Voltage Control
Circumstances necessitating the Direction:Voltage
Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: intervention is required to maintain the power system in a secure operating state
Expected duration: 1730 hrs 27/11/2024 / further notice.

AGL SA Generation Pty Limited does not incur any civil monetary liability for a relevant action taken in accordance with this direction unless the action is taken in bad faith.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
121002MARKET INTERVENTION26/11/2024 03:58:46 PM

Direction - SA region 26/11/2024


Direction - SA region 26/11/2024

In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the SA region. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).

The issue of the direction commences an AEMO intervention event. AEMO declares all trading intervals during the event to be intervention trading intervals, commencing from the interval ending 1605 hrs on 26/11/2024.

Intervention pricing does not apply to this AEMO intervention event.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
120982MARKET INTERVENTION26/11/2024 02:06:37 PM

Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region


Update - Foreseeable AEMO intervention in SA region

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 120912

AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 2330 hrs 26/11/2024.

The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage

AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1600 hrs 26/11/2024, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
120979NON-CONFORMANCE26/11/2024 01:50:12 PM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region NSW1 Tuesday, 26 November 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE NSW1 Region Tuesday, 26 November 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: WTAHB1
Duration: 26/11/2024 13:35 to 26/11/2024 13:50
Amount: 11 MW
Constraint: NC-N_WTAHB1

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