Market Notices

118672CONSTRAINTS08/10/2024 01:13:36 PM

Managing outages that create a credible risk of SA islanding


From 9th Oct 2024 AEMO will change constraints used during outages that create a credible risk of SA islanding.

From this date AEMO will:

1) Increase the maximum allowable flow on the V-SA interconnector from 50 MW to 250 MW in the VIC to SA direction, where the transmission outages is a planned outage.

2) Operate the SA region to the default 49-51 Hz target frequency containment band following a contingency event resulting in actual SA islanding. In order to meet this requirement, AEMO may now procure Contingency Raise FCAS locally from the SA region during these outages.

These changes reflect updated advice received by AEMO from the SA Jurisdictional System Security Coordinator.

The first network outage affected by this change is planned for 14th October 2024.

Andrew Groom
AEMO Operations
118323CONSTRAINTS19/09/2024 04:20:22 PM

Update to system normal constraint equation in NSW for transient voltage stability in south-west NSW


Refer to market notice 92840.

Transgrid has advised AEMO of an update to the transient voltage stability limit in south-west NSW for loss of Darlington Point to Wagga (63) 330 kV line. The limit will include terms for the Darlington Point and Riverina BESS.

The following constraint equation will be updated with the above changes at 1100 hrs Friday 20th September 2024.

For full details on the formulation, the new constraint equation has now been loaded into AEMO's pre-production systems.

For further details on these constraint equation please contact

Ben Blake
AEMO Operations
118170PRICE ADJUSTMENT06/09/2024 07:20:01 PM

Prices for intervals on 05/09/2024 from 13:55 to 15:10 are now confirmed


Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 118149 and 118150.

PRICES ARE NOW REVISED to Market Suspension Pricing Schedule for trading intervals on 05/09/2024 from 1355 hrs to 1510 hrs.

Manager Electricity Market Monitoring
118150MARKET SUSPENSION05/09/2024 02:41:01 PM

Declaration of electricity market resumption


Declaration of electricity market resumption

Refer initial AEMO Electricity Market Notice 118149

AEMO declares that the suspension of the spot market in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria will end at 1510 hrs on 05 September 2024.

AEMO has taken sufficient steps to exclude the original event having influence on market processes and AEMO assesses that the possibility of suspending the spot market within the next 24 hours due to the same cause is minimal. AEMO also determines that it can operate the market in accordance with the provisions of the NER.

Relevant Market Notices issued under this suspension: 118149

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
118149MARKET SUSPENSION05/09/2024 02:31:20 PM

Declaration of electricity market suspension


Declaration of electricity market suspension

AEMO declares the spot market suspended in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria with Market Suspension Schedule Pricing (refer NER clause 3.14.5(b)) from Trading Interval 1355 hrs on 5 September 2024 until further notice.

Dispatch prices for the first one or two dispatch intervals of this market suspension will be reviewed manually.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117321LOAD SHED08/07/2024 07:08:46 PM

Load Shedding Direction in the NSW Region


Load Shedding Direction in the NSW Region

AEMO has directed load shedding commencing at 1817 hrs 08/07/2024
in the NSW region

to maintain power system security.

The direction was issued under section 116 of the NEL, and was a clause 4.8.9 instruction under the NER.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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