119183MARKET SYSTEMS22/10/2024 10:55:02 AM

CHG0098524 | Cancelled | Pre-Production | Maintenance activities to be performed on the Gas Short Term Trading Market Systems Pre-Production

Change Number: CHG0098524

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Cancelled

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: Short Term Trading Market (STTM)

Change Title: Maintenance activities to be performed on the Gas Short Term Trading Market Systems Pre-Production.

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600
119139MARKET SYSTEMS21/10/2024 09:22:19 AM

CHG0098496 | Completed | Production | QLD Marketnet Router Replacement

Change Number: CHG0098496

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: Market Network

Change Title: QLD Marketnet Router Replacement

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
119137MARKET SYSTEMS21/10/2024 08:20:38 AM

CHG0098837 | Pre-Production | EMMS-Pre-Production Bay transfer for Core switch Refresh

Change Number: CHG0098837

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: Electricity Market Management System_PreProd

Change Title: EMMS-Pre-Production Bay transfer for Core switch Refresh

Change Start Date & Time: 22/10/2024 07:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 22/10/2024 19:30:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time:
Outage End Date & Time:

Environment: Pre-Production

Participant Impact and Requirements: A Bay transfer is scheduled for 22nd October is not expected to have any impact. If any issues are identified because of this maintenance activity, please contact the AEMO Support Hub 1300 236 600.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to https://aemo.service-now.com/participantportal?id=pp_services_status for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
119021MARKET SYSTEMS18/10/2024 11:34:15 AM

CHG0099243 | Pre-Production | Maintenance activities to be performed on the Declared Wholesale Gas Market Systems Pre-Production

Change Number: CHG0099243

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)

Change Title: Maintenance activities to be performed on the Declared Wholesale Gas Market Systems Pre-Production.

Change Start Date & Time: 23/10/2024 07:00:23 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 23/10/2024 17:30:33 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time: 23/10/2024 08:00:00 AEST
Outage End Date & Time: 23/10/2024 12:30:00 AEST

Environment: Pre-Production

Participant Impact and Requirements: This is a regular procedure to allow routine maintenance. short service outages over the day for DWGM services, includiing MIBB and Web Exchanger.

Pre-Production Declared Wholesale Gas Market Systems (DWGM)

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to https://aemo.service-now.com/participantportal?id=pp_services_status for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
119018MARKET SYSTEMS18/10/2024 08:38:58 AM

CHG0098658 | Completed | Production | Planned System Maintenance - Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)

Change Number: CHG0098658

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: DWGM - Web Exchanger

Change Title: Planned System Maintenance - Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
118934MARKET SYSTEMS16/10/2024 03:56:26 PM

CHG0098812 | Completed | Pre-Production | Pre-Prod MSATS and eMDM November Maintenance Release

Change Number: CHG0098812

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: MSATS - Market Settlement & Transfer System

Change Title: Pre-Prod MSATS and eMDM November Maintenance Release

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
118911MARKET SYSTEMS15/10/2024 01:53:48 PM

CHG0098814 | Production | MSATS and eMDM November Maintenance Release

Change Number: CHG0098814

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)

Change Title: MSATS and eMDM November Maintenance Release

Change Start Date & Time: 27/10/2024 10:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 27/10/2024 17:00:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time: 27/10/2024 10:00:00 AEST
Outage End Date & Time: 27/10/2024 14:00:00 AEST

Environment: Production
Participant Impact and Requirements: Users will not be able to access MSATS during the outage period.

Meter data processing and RM reports will not be available during the outage period.

User Rights Management (URM) will continue to operate, however the administration screens will not be accessible.

MSATS B2B/B2M Transactions and B2B MSATS Screens will be unavailable during this outage

NMI Discovery will not be available during the outage period.

CDR and CDP will not be available during the outage period.
118672CONSTRAINTS08/10/2024 01:13:36 PM

Managing outages that create a credible risk of SA islanding


From 9th Oct 2024 AEMO will change constraints used during outages that create a credible risk of SA islanding.

From this date AEMO will:

1) Increase the maximum allowable flow on the V-SA interconnector from 50 MW to 250 MW in the VIC to SA direction, where the transmission outages is a planned outage.

2) Operate the SA region to the default 49-51 Hz target frequency containment band following a contingency event resulting in actual SA islanding. In order to meet this requirement, AEMO may now procure Contingency Raise FCAS locally from the SA region during these outages.

These changes reflect updated advice received by AEMO from the SA Jurisdictional System Security Coordinator.

The first network outage affected by this change is planned for 14th October 2024.

Andrew Groom
AEMO Operations
118598MARKET SYSTEMS04/10/2024 04:07:21 PM

CHG0098496 | Production | QLD Marketnet Router Replacement

Change Number: CHG0098496
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: Market Network

Change Title: QLD Marketnet Router Replacement
Change Start Date & Time: 19/10/2024 14:00:53 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 19/10/2024 19:00:53 AEST

Outage Start Date & Time:
Outage End Date & Time:
Environment: Production

Participant Impact and Requirements: The following impacts are expected to participant connectivity during this planned outage on the 19th October 2024:

IPWAN Participants - A brief interuption of up to 60 seconds while services are failover from QLD to NSW Datacenter.

Lan-2-Lan VPN Participants (IPSEC) - Up to 2 hour outage for participants who have established their VPN connection/s via the AEMO QLD datacenter termination point ( only - All L2L connections should be established to both QLD / NSW.

Note: Participants are encouraged to ensure their VPN connections are already established or are configured (as per AEMO best practice) to automatically failover to the alternate AEMO NSW datacenter termination point ( prior to this scheduled outage.

B2B VPN - No impact is expected.

SSL VPN Participants: None expected as SSL VPN's are hosted on a different device.

GASHUB: No impact is expected as GASHUB will be failed over to the NSW Datacenter.

Other Impacts will have been communicated in advance.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to https://aemo.service-now.com/participantportal?id=pp_services_status for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .

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