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Inital - CHG0101808 - Pre-production EMMS database Maintainence activity
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial
Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: EMMS - Data Store
Change Title: Pre-production EMMS database Maintainence activity
Change Start Date & Time: 11/03/2025 01:00:00
Change End Date & Time: 19/03/2025 17:00:00
Outage Start Date & Time: 13/03/2025 12:00:00
Outage End Date & Time: 13/03/2025 15:00:00
Environment: Pre-Production
Participant Impact and Requirements: The Electricity Market Management System (EMMS) , Gas Supply Hub (GSH) and FPP Pre-Production environment will be unavailable during the outage window.
Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 11/03/2025
Non-credible contingency event - SA region - 11/03/2025
At 0917 hrs the Penola West - South East 132 kV line and the Kincraig - Penola West 132 kV line tripped.
AEMO did not instruct load shedding.
Approximately 3 MW of electrical load has been disconnected.
The cause of this non credible contingency event is not known at this stage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
PDPASA - Cancellation of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the SA Region on 09/03/2025
The Forecast LOR1 condition in the SA region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 125446 is cancelled at 2015 hrs 09/03/2025.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
PDPASA - Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the SA Region on 09/03/2025
AEMO declares a Forecast LOR1 condition under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the SA region for the following Period:
[1.] From 1930 hrs 09/03/2025 to 2030 hrs 09/03/2025.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 650 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 600 MW.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 08/03/2025
Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - SA region 08/03/2025
Refer to Market Notice 125396
The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1330 hrs on 09/03/2025.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation: Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Cancellation: Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Refer to Market Notice 125398
Direction is cancelled from: 1330 hrs 09/03/2025
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
PDPASA - Cancellation of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the SA Region on 09/03/2025
The Forecast LOR1 condition in the SA region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 125424 is cancelled at 1200 hrs 09/03/2025.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
PDPASA - Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the SA Region on 09/03/2025
AEMO declares a Forecast LOR1 condition under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the SA region for the following Period:
[1.] From 1830 hrs 09/03/2025 to 1930 hrs 09/03/2025.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 650 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 617 MW.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Direction - SA region to Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Direction - SA region to Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT
Refer to Market Notice 125396.
In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO is issuing a direction to Pelican Point Power Limited. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1).
Direction issued to: Pelican Point Power Limited - PPCCGT PELICAN POINT at 1600 hrs 08/03/2025
Type of resource: generating unit
Required actions: Remain synchronised and follow dispatch targets at 0400 hrs 09/03/2025
Services provided: Voltage Control
Circumstances necessitating the Direction: Voltage
Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA will be inadequate to maintain sufficient Voltage Control in SA. Intervention is required to maintain the power system in a secure operating state
Expected duration: 1330 hrs 09/03/2025.
Pelican Point Power Limited does not incur any civil monetary liability for a relevant action taken in accordance with this direction unless the action is taken in bad faith.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations