IESS Rule terminology changes to Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS)

Market National Electricity Market
StageFinal Report
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?No

Matters under consultation

The focus of this consultation is to reflect the terminology in the Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS) document to be made with effect from 3 June 2024 for the purposes of the National Electricity Amendment (Integrating energy storage systems into the NEM) Rule 2021 No. 13 (IESS Rule).  

In summary, the change is to include the new term “ancillary service unit” to replace terms “ancillary service generating unit” and “ancillary service load”.

Consultation process

AEMO considers the Changes to be minor or administrative in nature. The Changes make the Documents consistent with and aligned to the NER, as amended by the IESS Rule. The Changes which AEMO makes to an existing procedure, guideline or other document – including by inserting new NER clauses, updating existing material and providing additional clarity - will generally be considered to be minor or administrative, if those changes:

  1. do not change the substantive rights or obligations of participants
  2. do not require participants to incur any costs or change their systems
  3. 3. are not expected to involve material cost for AEMO
  4. are straightforward and not contentious in nature.

AEMO considers it important to request feedback on the Changes, in the interests of transparency.

AEMO invites stakeholders to:

  • provide feedback and comments on the accompanying change-marked documents
  • identify any unintended adverse consequences of the Changes.

Stakeholders are invited to submit written responses via email to, by Friday 15 March 2024.

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