Electricity Retail Consultative Forum

MarketNational Electricity Market Meetings

The Electricity Retail Consultative Forum (ERCF) provides a platform where Participants operating in the National Electricity Market (NEM), AEMO and interested parties can collaboratively participate in the enhancement of the Retail Electricity Market Procedures Framework (except for B2B Procedures*) including:

  • Market Settlement and Transfer Solution (MSATS) Procedures;
  • Metering Services Procedures and Metrology Procedures; and
  • Industry processes, guidelines and arrangements governing the retail electricity markets.

The objective is to review and discuss market improvements that require changes to Retail Electricity Market Procedures (except for B2B Procedures*) and/or supporting documentation that enable AEMO and participants to fulfil their regulatory obligations and efficient market operation.

* B2B Procedures are governed by the Information Exchange Committee (IEC), further details about the IEC can be found on the IEC web page.


The ERCF is open to all interested parties seeking to attend and participate in meetings. 

For more information or to be added to the ERCF mailing list, please contact us at:  ERCF@aemo.com.au

Issue / Change Form

Participants who want to identify a prospective change to Retail Electricity Market Procedures and/or supporting documentation should submit an Issue / Change Form (ICF) to ercf@aemo.com.au using the template below.

Following review and approval of an ICF by AEMO and the ERCF, participants who wish to progress their ICF should submit a Change Information Paper (CIP) to ercf@aemo.com.au using the template below.

Records of ERCF meetings

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