Direction to Basslink – 14 October 2022

On 14 October 2022, AEMO issued a direction to Basslink following the unplanned outage of the Liapootah-Palmerston tee Waddamana No.1 and No.2 220kV lines, the major transmission lines linking north and south of Tasmania. The requirement to intervene for direction arose as Basslink informed AEMO they would require a direction to carry out the required actions in response to the unplanned transmission line outage. 

Where the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) intervenes in the National Electricity Market (NEM) through the use of directions, AEMO must publish a report in accordance with National Electricity Rules (NER) clauses 4.8.9(f) and 3.13.6A.

The NEM Event report below satisfies those NER obligations and is based on information available to AEMO at the time of publication:

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