WEM Electricity Statement of Opportunities

The Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) is an annual AEMO publication that includes the 10-year Long Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (PASA) for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) in Western Australia (WA).

The WEM ESOO provides AEMO’s forecasts and analysis of peak demand and operational consumption across a range of weather and demand growth scenarios for the next 10 years. These forecasts are used to determine the Reserve Capacity Requirement (RCR), the amount of generation, storage, and Demand Side Programme (DSP) capacity required to meet the forecast peak demand for the relevant Reserve Capacity Cycle.

The WEM ESOO also provides information on:

  • Generation, storage, and DSP capacity operating in the SWIS.
  • Committed capacity, including expansions and new Facilities under construction.
  • Capacity outlook and network development opportunities.
  • Developments and emerging issues in the WEM.


AEMO published the 2024 WEM ESOO report on 18 June 2024.

The 2024 WEM ESOO determines the RCR for the 2024 Reserve Capacity Cycle in relation to the 2026-27 Capacity Year. The report along with supporting documents including the data register and independent consultant’s report are available in the links at the bottom of this page.

2024 Reserve Capacity Information Pack

The 2024 Reserve Capacity Information Pack for the 2024 Reserve Capacity Cycle is available in the links at the bottom of this page, along with historical information packs.

The 2024 Reserve Capacity Information Pack contains the following information:

  • Reserve Capacity Requirement for the 2026-27 Capacity Years.
  • Instruction on how to obtain the 2024 Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) and the 2024 EOI summary from the WEM Website.


AEMO welcomes feedback on the 2024 WEM ESOO.

Please forward any queries to:

Group Manager, WA System Design & Transformation

Level 45, 152 St Georges Terrace,
Perth WA 6000

Please direct any questions relating to the Certified Reserve Capacity process for the 2024 Reserve Capacity Cycle to the WA Capacity Market Investment team. 

Email: wa.capacity@aemo.com.au

Please direct any questions relating to the 2024 WEM ESOO to the WA Future System & Design team.

Email: wa.futuresystemdesign@aemo.com.au

Supporting materials for the 2024 WEM ESOO

The WEM ESOO incorporates different sources and data sets. Supporting documentation for the 2024 WEM ESOO report can be found below.

2024 WEM ESOO Forum

Previous WEM ESOO Documents

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