LNG & Short Term Transactions
These reports display short term gas transactions for each state/territory, excluding those transactions that are concluded through an AEMO operated exchange. Reports for VIC, QLD and SA are updated weekly while others are updated monthly.
LNG transactions and shipments
LNG transactions
This report displays LNG transaction data, aggregated on a quarterly basis. It is updated 20 business days following the end of the quarter. A detailed methodology on the production of the report can be viewed in the BB Aggregation Methodology document, available on the Procedures and Guides page.
LNG Shipments
This report displays a list of all LNG shipments and is updated monthly.
Short term transactions and swaps
Short term transactions
These reports display short term gas transactions for each state/territory, excluding those transactions that are concluded through an AEMO operated exchange. Reports for VIC and QLD are updated weekly while others are updated monthly.
Short term swap transactions
These reports display short term gas transactions for each state/territory, excluding those transactions that are concluded through an AEMO operated exchange. Reports for VIC and QLD are updated weekly while others are updated monthly.
GSH trades
This report displays GSH commodity transaction data. It is updated at the end of each gas day.