In early March 2019 AEMO published a notice of decision to amend RMP to harmonise the start time of the gas day to align with the National Gas Rules.
A recent review of the NSW/ACT RMP identified that AEMO overlooked one of the timing provisions in the original consultation. A summary of AEMO’s findings and changes to RMP are described in the Impact and Implementation Report (IIR).
Submissions for this final stage of consultation close on 21 August 2019. Please send your submissions through the IIR response template to
- Notice of AEMO decision for IN009-19 (322 KB, pdf)
- IIR - IN009-19 Residual RMP changes for GDH (434 KB, pdf)
- IIR response template for IN009-19 (132 KB, docx)
- PPC - IN009-19 Residual RMP changes for GDH (315 KB, pdf)
- PPC response template for IN009-19 (132 KB, docx)