Transfer a NEM registration
This page outlines the requirements for transferring a registration in the National Electricity Market (NEM).
Under National Electricity Rules clause 2.9A, a Registered Participant (transferor) can apply to AEMO to transfer its registration in a particular category to another person (transferee). The transferee must establish that it meets all the eligibility criteria for registration in that category
If there is no material change to the way the underlying facilities are classified, the transferee and the transferor must each complete the forms and provide the additional documentation indicated below.
If this is not the case, the transfer may need to be treated as a new application for registration. Please contact AEMO to discuss your requirements in this situation.
Transfer documents
These are the documents needed for a transfer of registration and note that both ‘transferee’ and ‘transferor’ forms must be completed to transfer registration.
Application for Registration Transfer by Transferor - NEM - Generator or Integrated Resource Provider
489.63 KB -
Application for Registration Transfer by Transferee - NEM - Generator or Integrated Resource Provider
514.12 KB -
Application Guide - NEM - Registration Transfer
454.79 KB
Supporting documents
These documents need to be supplied by the transferee with the transfer form, or beforehand, as they support your application.
Recipient-created tax invoices (RCTI)
NEM settlements revisions
This deed is used when one entity wishes to take liability for the settlement revisions of another; for example, in the event of an acquisition.
Guide to market systems
The Guide to Market Systems – NEM Change of Ownership guide provides details regarding transfer of control of electricity assets registered with AEMO, as well as basic information on some key issues that may arise from corporate actions, such as a merger or acquisition.
Note that transition can have significant ramifications regarding network and logical secured access. In addition, many of AEMO’s NEM systems have defined cut-off times for particular transactions and reports.
Contact us
For further information, please call 1300 236 600 or contact AEMO’s Information and Support Hub.